Mission of Positive FACE is to encourage positive life choices for foster and children adopted from the foster care system through Social, Emotional, and Academic Development Activities.
The vision for Positive FACE came out of the life experiences of the Organization Founder, Gina Surgeon. It is her belief that all children that have had a similar life story can also have similar life success. Gina became a was a alumni of the foster care system in Michigan, leaving at 16 to be independent.
As the vision was shared with others that have a passion for children and the professional expertise to make a difference, Positive FACE was born. The purpose of the program will be to make the support process invisible to the child. The client will have the experience of being a part of an exclusive club while the staff identify and enroll them in the programs that will best support their path to success. The organization will will address the special needs of its clients through the follow program components:
Whether the client is a child in foster care, at-risk, in a kinship placement, or at-risk, we will provide them with exposure to experiences that will give them more options to be involved in activities that may not normally be provided due to funding or other constraints.
SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT COMPONENT: The SDC of Positive FACE will give children the opportunity to be involved in varied extracurricular activities, participant in social outings, and understand the value of being a part of the community through volunteerism.
Social Development Component in partnership with
EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT COMPONENT: The EDC of Positive FACE will support the healthy mental development of our participants under the guidance of leading local mental health professionals. Children will be given a platform to heal from the effects of the challenges that they have had to face in a comfortable setting.
ACADEMIC DEVELOPMENT COMPONENT: The ADC of Positive FACE will be an aggressive educational support component to help participants excel in the classroom. Under the guidance of education professionals, we will form a partnership with the students to keep them performing at grade level proficiency.
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