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The program designed with youth excellence in mind!

Our Mission

The Mission of Positive FACE is to empower foster, kinship, and at-risk children to make positive life choices through Social, Emotional, and Academic Development Activities.




Although life circumstances can make young lives start with shadows, no child is born to fail. We at Positive FACE don't just believe they can, we know they can. Often times, the finances or priority is not in place to provide this population of young people with the tools to succeed. We give them those options.  


While we do have a standard program designed by industry professionals to ensure success, our program is also flexible to provide opportunities to address personal needs. Positive FACE is a program to provide children with positive interactions, expectations, and opportunities.  We want them to have the types of experiences that children experience in healthy traditional households.  Additionally, we will provide a constant in their lives from the time that they join until adulthood - and beyond. We actually consider each site a Club and our clients, members. As we all know - membership has its benefits.


We recognize that children who have had a less than favorable start in life need enrichment opportunities even more.  At-risk children aren't always in kinship, foster, or adoption system. Sometimes, even youth in there home need a little extra support. Children that become a part of the Positive FACE family will enjoy the benefits of a program developed specifically for them with the extra attention that they need to be successful in life. 

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